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Have you ever thought why is it so hard to convince someone to go vegan

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Have you ever thought why is it so hard to convince someone to go vegan Empty Have you ever thought why is it so hard to convince someone to go vegan

Mensaje  Euthanasia brigade Vie 19 Mar 2010, 10:44

Have you ever thought why is it so hard to convince someone to go vegan?
The animal rights arguments are so simple and right. They are based on solid facts and evidences. Nobody can confront them rationally. So why is it so hard to convince someone to go vegan? The reason is that reason is not enough. Good arguments are not relevant. Rationality is not enough in this world. It has proved itself as an insufficient element in order to change people’s habits.
Humans prove again and again that their profits, taste preference, convenience, entertainment etc, are much more important to them than morality. Most of them are not even willing to hear the facts and listen to the arguments, not to mention stop financing animal abuse.

The fact that the arguments are so strong and so well-based but still fail again and again, is the exact thing that should wake you all. Animal rights activists shouldn’t get strengthen from their strong arguments but the other way around. When arguments that are so strong and so obvious don’t work there is something wrong with the addressees. It can’t be that the problem is always with the marketing, right? with the way we deliver our message, right? Years of campaigns, hundreds of organizations with dozens of methods and you don’t ask yourself how did we accomplish so little?
The problem is that rational arguments are not enough and most of the time they are not even relevant.

The tragical irony is that even when the animal rights movement gives up on the idea of developing caring towards non human animals and turns to caring for the children’s future, using the "for the environment argument" or caring for their own kind using the "for the hungry" argument or caring for themselves - the hopelessness summit, using the "for your health" argument, it doesn’t help.
Nothing helps. Not even when the animal rights movement reaches the lowest point.

This article explains it much better than I do:

Euthanasia brigade

Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 19/03/2010

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